Allows the use of Motorola 3.5mm threaded radio accessories on Motorola Multi-pin (HT1000 series) radios.
Conversion Adapter - Motorola HT1000 (M6) to Motorola Visar/3.5mm threaded (M3). Our rugged adapter allows you to use a wider variety of common audio accessories with you two-way radio. These adapters are made of high-impact polycarbonate. This adapter is a direct replacement for the Motorola OEM BDN6676 adapter.
Radio Compatibility: Motorola GP900, GP9000, HT1000, JT1000, MT2000, MTS2000, MTX8000, MTX838, MTX900, MTX9000, MTX-LS, XTS2500, XTS3000, ASTRO, XTS3500, XTS5000.
Product Features:
- Allows the use of Motorola 3.5mm threaded radio accessories
- Provides a quick disconnect for audio accessories